Outdoor Life Design

client cost $6000

type: Website /SEO

project started on: Wednesday February 19th, 2020

weeks to develop: 5 weeks

Outdoorlifedesign.com is a high end landscape design firm in the south bay area of Southern California, Ca. A collaborative brand of the best contractors and landscapers in the area. They are an unestablished brand breaking into the competitive local landscaping market that want a website and to dominate the competitors while establishing his firm as the choice for the affluent communities in the area. The solution is to develop identity and brand from scratch. Approach will be conducted in several phases. Phase One is to implement brand to a brochure site as point of contact and email collection. We are hosting the site on the clients existing provider for now. Current results are Phase One is complete. Brand and site are live with SEO optimized pages, several photo galleries and contact page. Mobile responsive design with quality imagery and stylish design video area. Next phase will be determining backend needs.

weekly timeline

week: 1

week: 2

week: 3

week: 4

week: 5

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