Sales Portal Shipping Logistics

client cost $0

type: Content Management System

project started on: Monday March 29th, 2021

weeks to develop: 4 weeks

I have been asked to migrate/translate a MYSQL database of information into a NOSQL Mongo DB cloud database. I am also evaluating if this will work for the current model they have in place. This is the experimental stage of integating the data with the technology. Working out schema flow, info organization, and purpose of all of data. Since there is no real standard patterns or processes currently being used, I have started designing fresh schema models to try some different ways of interacting with the data. Designed a prototype front end in HTML so client can layout and design idea. This is currently a side project presented to me by a franchise owner in the shipping logistics business.

weekly timeline

week: 1

week: 2

week: 3

week: 4

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