Final Project Coding Bootcamp

published at: April, 1st, 2020

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images provided by D.Cox

UCI Web Development Coding Bootcamp Final.

This is MERN Fury. A lightweight turn based game made with the Phaser javascript engine framework for 2D HTML5 browser games. The game is accessible through a player membership portal which requires a name, email and password to join. Once registered the new user is redirected to the login form that takes them to their player dashboard. All of the members features are available from this interface to add/update a profile, list your favorite game links, skill set, and, access to play MERN Fury. Membership profiles are viewable by the public and are not required to be logged into view. Profile portal network was built with the MERN stack technology, JWT authentication, and Redux. Authentication is managed by Passport and JWT Token creation while Redux manages this across states. Concurrently was installed to create an easier way to start up both the node.js and react client servers together for faster development. Designed database models using MongoDB and Mongoose then user api routes and authentication were built and tested with Postman. The Frontend was made with react and bootstrap. MVC concepts were applied. The game was made with phaser technology utilizing it's built in Arcade physics engine and WebGL with HTML5 Canvas to create fast rendering. This is all connected and powered from a google firebase database using device orientation sensors to use a smartphone as an optional controller.

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